At-risk of child marriage
Playing with sibilings
Javeed and Shabaana were happily married, but Javeed once promised to marry his future daughter to his sister’s son. Shabaana, a survivor of child marriage, was horrified, praying not to have a girl to spare her from that fate. Their first child was a boy, but later, Shabaana gave birth to a daughter, Sanatiyaba. Eager to fulfill his promise, Javeed ignored Shabaana’s pleas about the hardships of child marriage.
Seeking help, Shabaana contacted a social worker, who, with a volunteer and a nurse, warned Javeed and his sister’s family about the harmful impact of early marriage. When he refused to listen, they explained the legal consequences under the Child Marriage Prohibition Act, which frightened both families into abandoning plans for an early marriage, safeguarding Sanatiyaba’s future.
If you choose to sponsor Sanatiyaba, you will play a part in providing her with the opportunity to create a better life for herself. Under IGP’s care, Sanatiyaba will receive a strong education, the ability to have a better childhood, and consistent care for her needs. With your help, she will begin to know that she is loved and valued.